“We all come from the Sea. Some have forgotten and some can never forget. Those of us who live this connection everyday - we daughters of the sea - we can never forget."
- Anonymous
The Latest from the Ladies…
Discovering Cold Confidence
Reluctantly, I took my last sip of coffee and mentally prepared to leave the warmth and comfort of my home. When I cracked open the door, however, the icy wind cut right through my jacket and chilled me to my core.
“Am I really about to get in the ocean right now?” I mumbled to myself…
Seasons Under the Sea
I think we often forget how connected we are to these transitions; how much our bodies crave the deep restful period of winter where we have the time and space to turn inward, to rest, to reflect, and to slow down. Just as true is our anticipation of the liveliness that summer brings, filled with fun, play, connection, and much more energy. Of course, most of us are only aware of and sense these seasonal changes on land…
Swimming with Icebergs
Dani recently took a job as a float plane instructor (yeah, she’s also a pilot) up in Talkeetna, Alaska. This opened up a whole new world of ‘cold water woman-ing’ (can we make that a verb???) and now Dani swims in waters riddled with icebergs, glacier melt streams, and alpine lakes, usually arriving by her plane. Meet Dani…
Sick with the Surf-Bug
Megan is a local shredder babe and has become a sweet friend of mine over the past few years. In this interview, she shares a beautiful vulnerability as she explains why surfing is as much mental as it is physical, and how the ocean has become one of the strongest healers when life gets really tough. There is a lot of wisdom in this piece. Thank you for your beautiful words, Meg…
Stand Up is an incredible docudrama film that follows two women – one being Erica - as they competed in the insanely challenging “Seventy48”, a 70-mile race across vast stretches of the Salish Sea, only open to human-powered craft who must navigate their way from the port of Tacoma to Port Townsend. They have 48 hours to complete the trek and are completely on their own throughout the race (no support craft)…
SUCCESS! A Recap of this year’s Swim for Shelter
And maybe the most important highlight of all: they raised $52,931, all donated to the New Phoebe House in Tacoma. How incredible. This year is the highest grossing year in all 17-years by more than $15,000…
Swimming for Shelter
Originally from the UK, Joanne Allum is a water soul through and through. Growing up playing in the chilly waters of the English Channel nurtured her love for everything ocean – especially cold ocean. Moving to Gig Harbor, Washington more than a decade ago introduced her to a way to channel her cold-water swimming passion into something more; a way to support women in serious need…
Tales of a Commercial Fisherwoman
Introducing “Bristol Baybe” Elisa Brackenhofer, a commercial fisherwoman based in Bellingham, Washington State. She has been able to witness some of the most beautiful nature interactions during her time at sea, and her hard work is unmatched. Dive in with us as Elisa takes us through her journey as a sea-steward and fisherwoman…
The Mermaid from San Juan Island
There’s a mermaid who lives on San Juan Island… did you hear?! Meet Melissa Wickey, a ‘healing arts person’ and overall badass. Currently based in the San Juan Islands, Washington State, the cold temperatures and dark seas don’t stop her from doing what she loves. This mermaid swims year-round in 45-55 degree (F) water without a wetsuit…
Nature’s Netty-Pot
"Oh, good God," I mumble to myself. My arms are burning and trembling with exhaustion, but I have to get two more good paddle-strokes in to make it over this wave. It's a clean-up set; something surfers call the extra big sets of waves that come in and wipe everybody out, or "clean-up" the lineup, so to speak. And I'm caught a little too far inside. And on just the second wave...
We’d love to share your story…
If you have written a piece that somehow relates to being in cold water, we’d love to share it here. If this is of interest to you, fill out the below and shoot us a message!